Pursuant to the ADA, employers with 15 or more employees may not discriminate against "qualified individuals" because of a disability. If you're like me, you may feel you've been discriminated against but feel unsure of what to do about it or how to voice your frustration.I may request a General Complaint form for nondiscrimination complaints and an envelope in which to submit the form from any staff. I don't hear any politicians showing insight into the discrimination faced against autistic adults who can't speak for themselves. Section 504 is an antidiscrimination provision in a broader federal law providing rehabilitation services to people with disabilities. Family Support Services is a non-entitlement program which brokers disability-specific services based on the unique needs of individuals and their families. Every time I write about autism and neurodiversity, my inbox fills with notes from talented young professionals. Please follow the link below to fill out a General Intake Form for the Amazing Kids Club. Section 504 prohibits discrimination based on disability. Title IX of the Educations Amendments Act of 1972,.