A summary of recent EEOC resolution agreements and federal court decisions addressing employment discrimination of applicants or employees with ASD is provided. We support people who are neurodivergent so dyslexia dyspraxia autism adhd etc etc and we help them get higher employment.This act protected against discrimination of people of color, and discrimination based on "religion, gender, or nationality" in the workplace. This discrimination is a systemic problem. For instance, consider a major workplace barrier: the job application process. I don't hear any politicians showing insight into the discrimination faced against autistic adults who can't speak for themselves. I've heard from people who mask their autism to avoid stereotyping or discrimination at work. Summer Fun and Discrimination against Kids (with or without disabilities)! EDMONDS, Wash An Edmonds family is claiming discrimination against their special needs son. If a business has 15 or more employees, the ADA states that it cannot discriminate against autistic people.