A summary of recent EEOC resolution agreements and federal court decisions addressing employment discrimination of applicants or employees with ASD is provided. An employee with autism probably have a smaller margin for error due to a manager looking for a reason to get rid of that employee with autism.This act protected against discrimination of people of color, and discrimination based on "religion, gender, or nationality" in the workplace. Outcomes of discrimination for autistic people include masking, social isolation and exclusion, trauma, and mental health problems. Autistic people are different and difference in this case = threatening = fear = hierarchy = discrimination = dominance. This act protected against discrimination of people of color, and discrimination based on "religion, gender, or nationality" in the workplace. I've heard from people who mask their autism to avoid stereotyping or discrimination at work. "This was a form of discrimination against my son," he added. There were no significant differences in frequency discrimination or TOJ performance between the groups.