FILE THE ORIGINAL MOTION to Dismiss Without Prejudice with the Clerk of the Court and ask to have the copies of the Motion stamped. PREJUDICE with the Clerk of the Court and ask to have the copies of the Notice stamped.Employees who desire to file a complaint may use the link below to access an EEO Complaint Dynamic Form to provide important and necessary information. Stereotypes are universal. If the case was close "with prejudice" then most likely it could not be reopened. If it wss closed "without prejudice" then it is possible to reopen. Students carrying at least twelve (12) credit hours will be considered full-time students for the fall and spring semesters. The County was originally named as a defendant in the Melendres action, along with thenSheriff Arpaio and MCSO. On October 20, 2006, the Court denied the motion without prejudice because Plaintiff had filed a notice of appeal (Doc. You may file a complaint using either the Client Discrimination Complaint (J-020) form or you may write or type your own statement.