You must sign a Charge of Discrimination in order for us to investigate your complaint. Employees or applicants who feel they have been treated poorly because of their membership in a protected category may file a fair employment complaint.These laws aim to create a fair and inclusive work environment where all employees can thrive without fear of prejudice or bias. If you have experienced any type of employment discrimination in Miami, contact our law firm for a free consultation about your case today. If the property is a homestead residence, all certifications in Form A must be filled out completely. The Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) Office of Civil Rights. Compliance (CRC) Title IX Sexual Harassment Manual is designed to outline the. Call 954-564-2246 - Mavrick Law Firm is dedicated to providing our clients with legal services in EEOC Hearing and Employment Discrimination cases. Economy of Miami-Dade County in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit; and. MDC NonDiscrimination Statement.