Title I of ADA is a law that makes discrimination and harassment at work because of a mental health diagnosis or other disability illegal. If you have experienced mental illness discrimination in the workplace in Ohio, consider reaching out to an ADA lawyer at The Friedmann Firm.This right says that you can tell other people if you are not getting your rights, or if you are being treated unfairly or with discrimination. If you feel that you have been denied credit for discriminatory reasons, contact the Ohio Civil Rights Commission to file a credit charge of discrimination. A Charge of Discrimination can be completed through our EEOC Public Portal after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. What is discrimination? Open and fill out the Civil Rights Discrimination Complaint Form Package in PDF format. You have various options to file a complaint after experiencing discrimination from a healthcare facility or individual healthcare provider. If you believe you are facing mental illness discrimination in the workplace, understanding specific ADA protections is important. Aetna Better Health® of Ohio follows state and federal civil rights laws that protect you from discrimination or unfair treatment.