The Sentencing Guidelines recommend a range of minimum sentence based on the seriousness of the offense (Offense Gravity Score) and the prior criminal history. The court shall conduct a separate sentencing hearing in which the jury shall determine whether the defendant shall be sentenced to death or life imprisonment.Sentences in Pennsylvania are not arbitrarily made. A judge cannot say, "you, sir, are sentenced to 25 years of prison. The guidelines serve as a common starting point at sentencing, with a standard range of offense-specific sentence recommendations for the typical circumstances. An individual will not be eligible for. Short Sentence Parole if the person has been found guilty of a major disciplinary infraction while confined in a county. The new guidelines significantly revamp Pennsylvania's system for sentencing defendants following a conviction at trial or guilty plea. Pennsylvania's lengthy probation sentences are unnecessary and disproportionate compared with the rest of the country. What are the requirements for an eligible offender to successfully complete a RRRI minimum sentence and be considered for early parole?