If you have been subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, please complete and submit a complaint form. All persons who file a complaint against any police employee shall be free from constraint, coercion, reprisal, or discrimination.Here at Clark Employment Law, APC, we are dedicated to helping employees fight discrimination and harassment in the workplace. We represent employees in Riverside and the surrounding area in a wide range of employment cases, including anti-discrimination cases. If you are concerned about HIV discrimination, The Nourmand Law Firm, APC, may be able to assist you. Riverside CA Workplace Retaliation Attorneys are dedicated to serving clients with a range of legal services for more than 40 years. Call us 951-686-4800. We bring decades of experience to our client-focused advocacy and help employees suffering mistreatment due to their race, color, age, or disability. It is against the law for an employer to treat any worker in Riverside, California, negatively because of their race, color, or national origin. Employment Discrimination - San Bernardino and Riverside, CA Harassment Lawyer.