Make a complaint via the City's online service portal. Section 504 charges HUD with enforcing the right of individuals to live in federally subsidized housing free from discrimination on the basis of disability.When someone files a discrimination complaint, CRD evaluates the facts and decides whether to accept the case for investigation. Instructions: If you believe SANDAG has engaged in discrimination against one or more persons, please fill out this form completely in black ink or type. Our proven San Diego disability discrimination attorneys have decades of combined experience recovering compensation for discrimination claimants. • In writing: Fill out a complaint form or send a letter to: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Request a free initial consultation with a San Diego disability discrimination attorney at Zakay Law Group. Call (619) 353-8032 or reach us online. Communications between you and your employer, including emails, memos, and notes, can be used in a disability discrimination case. DRC is a nonprofit agency.