MHMR Tarrant's Human Resource Policies govern employment related complaints of disability discrimination. The HHSC Civil Rights Office must receive the complaint of discrimination within 180 days of the date the alleged discriminatory action took place.Activities are voluntary and free for people receiving mental health services in the community. Gov or complete our form Training Request Form. Mental Health Connection of Tarrant County is a network of dues-paying members, collaborating to improve the mental health workforce in Tarrant County. Involuntary Commitment in Texas. This article explains the involuntary commitment process and the rights of an inpatient in a mental health facility. Tarrant County Eviction Court. HISTORICALLY, STIGMA AGAINST MENTAL HEALTH, ACCESS to care, and discrimination contribute to worsened health outcomes. Call: 1-800-799-SAFE (7800); Text: "Start" to 88788; Visit: The National Domestic Violence Hotline.