If you need help determining which kind of complaint you have, filing the complaint, or filling out the complaint form, please contact Student Services. All employees are required to cooperate with an investigation of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.Secure for persons in this state, including persons with disabilities, freedom from discrimination in certain employment transactions. Civilian employees are also protected against age, disability and genetic information discrimination. If you have a Title VI related complaint of discrimination, please complete this form in either English or Spanish. Call (512) 271-5527 - Austin Employment Lawyers, P.C. - Aggressive advocates dedicated to your interests in Employment and Discrimination cases. Call (512) 271-5527 - Austin Employment Lawyers, P.C. - Aggressive advocates dedicated to your interests in Employment and Employment Discrimination cases. The discrimination occurred when Dave Harris, Travis's supervisor, denied her a promotion in favor of Michael Pooler, a male employee. If you have a Title VI related complaint of discrimination, please complete this form in either English or Spanish. Are you legally eligible for employment in the U.S.?