In the event of an outage or other service emergency, you may contact us anytime 24 hours a day at (618) 842-2196. Or call Toll-Free at (888) 871-7695.Please download and fill out the WORKS Application (PDF) or use the online form. To apply for SER, submit an application to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). The Northeast Power is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. LIEAP assists eligible households with the cost of home heating through direct cash payments or payments to utility companies on their behalf. Learn about programs and organizations that give free legal advice and may help you find a free or lowcost attorney. American voters fill out their ballots in Midlothian, Virginia, on November 7, 2023. They are placed in the mail on the second business day of the month. New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Clean Energy Program.