To access the Questionnaire, please enter the Juror Number, which can be found on your summons, and your date of birth, in the boxes below. The questionnaires are used to determine if you are qualified to serve as a juror.I have a tough question. A jury is made up of 12 people who are chosen at random to hear the evidence and decide if the accused is guilty or not guilty. Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. In this blog post, I share an account of my firsttime experience with jury duty service, which happened to take place in New York City. Jurors summoned for jury service in Essex County must report in person at am on their assigned date. At the Magisterial District Court small claims hearing, a judge will hear your case. But it's common sense. To serve on a jury is to be selected and sit through at least part of a trial.