A jury trial must be demanded when the case is first set for trial (if set on notice or stipulation) or within 5 days after notice of setting. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and tips for drafting the caption, body of the request, and signature block.3. Jury or nonjury trial. I request a jury trial To the best of my knowledge, the right to possession of the premises is no longer in issue. Learn about the basic elements of a jury trial. In ALL California courts, including San Diego Superior Court, if a plaintiff wants a jury trial they must ask for it in the complaint. Scheduled for jury trials. (2). There are two related causes of action currently pending before the Court, both of which are set for trial beginning the week of April 15, 2013. (Doc. No. Time, nonmerit, Assistant State's Attorney II vacancy exists in the State's Attorney's Office for Baltimore County, Criminal Prosecution Division. Hastings College of the Law.