In its demand, a party must specify the issues for which it requests a jury. To request a postponement, follow the instructions in the Juror Affidavit Questionnaire or Summons or contact the court in which you are scheduled to appear.The right to a jury trial is a fundamental right that ensures all citizens have access to justice and a fair trial. All US citizens are qualified for jury service if they are at least 18 years old, are residents of the jurisdiction in which they have been summoned to serve. If the plaintiff does not request a jury, the defendant may do so on appearing and the request shall be granted. Being on a jury is a rewarding experience. A: You are not always entitled to a jury trial for a misdemeanor offense in Arizona. It depends on what the charges are. You must submit a written request for a jury trial to the Flagstaff City Court. After a trial is over, am I finished or am I still on call?