To request a postponement, follow the instructions in the Juror Affidavit Questionnaire or Summons or contact the court in which you are scheduled to appear. If you complete your Questionnaire online, there is no need to mail in the form. Instructions.You have two options for completing this Jury Questionnaire. After a trial is over, am I finished or am I still on call? Once you have served as a juror for a trial your jury service is finished for the reporting period. Learn all that you need to know after responding to a jury summons to serve as a member of the jury in Maricopa County. Parties can agree to a binding, one-day jury trial. Each party has two hours to present its case before a group of four jurors. These instructions are recommended for use in all criminal trials in Arizona courts. The process of selecting a jury in Arizona Superior Court civil cases and how it compares to the process in U.S. District Court.