Rule 38 preserves the right to a jury trial in civil cases, requiring a specific demand within 14 days after the last pleading directed to the issue. This booklet explains many of these laws you need to know and provides resources where you can find more information about landlord and tenant issues.A group of six to 12 men and women from all sections of the community sit down together and hear a case brought before the court. Jury Demand in Note of Issue. Jurors must be at least 18 years old; US citizens; North Dakota and county residents; able to read, speak and understand English reasonably well. Learn about the basic elements of a jury trial. Charles "Lucky" Luciano was an Italian-born gangster who operated mainly in the United States. Police got a report at p.m. They ended up wounding bystanders including a woman and her 12yearold daughter. It happened Monday evening in the Bronx.