If you received a mailed Notification of Potential Federal Jury Service letter, please complete your electronic questionnaire. Download and complete Appearance and Jury Request Forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts.A valid reason is required to be exempt from jury service. Click on the link below to complete your Juror Qualification Questionnaire or Juror Summons Information Form and Questionnaire. As jury summons are not sent certified or requiring signatures they have ZERO way to know if you ever in fact even received the summons. To be eligible for jury service, you must be a citizen of the United States; at least 18 years old; a resident of the county; not have a pending lawsuit. Everyone told me to try to get out of it, but no, I had to do my civic duty. People without lawyers are heroes. Thank you and Happy New Year!! Waiver form, he knowingly waived his right to a jury trial.