A demand shall not be accepted for filing unless a note of issue is filed in the action. For criminal nonjury trials, refer to Sections 1(b) and 1(e)(f).Please call the toll-free automated jury information system at 1-866-851-8154 for up-to-date information on your request 5 days prior to your reporting date. The printed qualification questionnaire can be filled out in writing and mailed or emailed back to the county Jury Management office. During the trial, you will either be in the courtroom or the jury room (you do get a break for lunch). You have to bring any water, snacks, etc. You should fill out the Juror Questionnaire online. Moral of that story - don't speed on a boat through a no wake zone. Juries are used in some coroners inquests, civil cases in the High Court and serious criminal cases in the Crown Court. In every other criminal trial, it is the judge who imposes sentence if a jury determines that a defendant is guilty.