Summoned for Federal Jury Service? This book is written for jurors selected to serve in the trial court of the Federal Government, the United States District Court.A party requesting a civil jury trial shall file a written request with the Court in which the case is filed not later than the 14th day before trial. We provide the eResponse Online Jury Services system for individuals who have received a Jury Summons. Parties may make the jury trial demand separately or include it in a pleading (FRCP 38(b)). Plaintiff moves pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 15(a) and 39(b) to amend his Complaint to include a jury demand. POINT II: FEDERAL POLICY FAVORES TRIAL BY JURY This Court should grant Plaintiff's relief in accordance with the federal policy favoring jury trials. 81 tells you that procedures set out in the FAA supersede the corresponding Federal Rules. Once you get a case number, you should include that number on every subsequent document you file with the court. The court construed FAA § 4 to require a specific demand for a jury trial of "such issue," id.