You must always deliver a notice to vacate to the defendant before filing an eviction case. A party requesting a civil jury trial shall file a written request with the Court in which the case is filed not later than the 14th day before trial.You have the right to request a jury for your hearing. This request must be made at least 3 days before the trial. Time Estimates: A jury trial in a simple unlawful detainer action will usually take two to three days. It will be similar to a trial with a judge, however, juries can feel sympathy for a person and can make a ruling that goes against you. When an unlawful detainer (eviction) case is filed against you, the first step is to create, file, and serve an Answer. "Unlawful detainer", or UD for short, refers to the name of the official court complaint that a landlord makes when they want to evict a tenant. To demand a jury trial in an unlawful detainer case, you generally need to file a specific court form along with your answer to the complaint. File the eviction suit in the Justice of the Peace Court in the precinct where the rental property is located.