We provide the eResponse Online Jury Services system for individuals who have received a Jury Summons. Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880.You may use this form to claim an exemption or disqualification from serving as a juror in the City of Frisco Municipal Court. Usually it means that you have to call the number you were given for the jury room. Figuring out what to do when you have been summoned for jury duty can be confusing and frustrating. If you are claiming a disqualification based on the lack of citizenship or lack of residence in the county, you may no longer be eligible to vote in the county. This page provides information about jury service with a link to an online form to submit a claim for exemption or disqualification from jury duty. These rules govern the electronic filing and service of court documents in Collin. County. Complete Your Questionnaire. To request a medical disqualification, please fill out Part I of this form and have a licensed health care provider complete.