If you do not bring a proposed property division with you on the date of your trial, you will be required to fill one out prior to trial. "demand" is rarely a contested issue at trial. 5.What constitutes an "acceptable, non-infringing substitute" is frequently a hotly. The printed qualification questionnaire can be filled out in writing and mailed or emailed back to the county Jury Management office. A party requesting a civil jury trial shall file a written request with the Court in which the case is filed not later than the 14th day before trial. If you choose to have a jury, you should file a request for a jury trial with the Court not later than one day before the date on which the trial is to be held. Ask them to fill out and sign a declaration. Trump in a courtroom. Former President Donald J. Trump is charged with 34 felony counts. You may waive a jury trial and request a court trial.