Complete the jury questionnaire Please Note: You will need to keep the summons postcard to bring with you on your jury service date. You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope.366th District Court. I have seen prospective jurors say something like, "I am prejudiced against Hispanics" in an obvious attempt to get excused. Complete your eligibility information on the McKinney Municipal Court Juror Portal. Dedicated court staff will walk you through the process upon your arrival. These trials are typically one day in duration and occasionally can go past 5PM. Call 214-670-0109 and ask to start a service request. The parties shall communicate and submit one set of agreed verdict forms, pre-trial stipulations, and jury instructions (Times New Roman, 14 pt. You may use this form to claim an exemption or disqualification from serving as a juror in the City of Frisco Municipal Court.