2. At all times relevant in this Complaint, Plaintiff was and is a competent adult who resides in Contra Costa County, California. Ten days before the issue conference, each side shall send a copy of its proposed witness list (in Excel spreadsheet format) to all other counsel.All trials must be in the district court. The printed qualification questionnaire can be filled out in writing and mailed or emailed back to the county Jury Management office. A case is defined as a single defendant and all charges arising from a single incident. The trial court erred in excluding evidence that health insurance benefits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA),124 Stat. Caselaw authority holds that a claim for punitive damages requires specific factual allegations that show that defendant acted with oppression, fraud or malice. There was a hearing before the Clerk and the defendant appealed. On appeal in the Superior Court, the trial judge granted the defendant's request for a trial by.