Resources and information to help you navigate your court case, including step-by-step guides for following procedures and help with understanding your options. Governor Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr. appointed Leonard E. Marquez as a Judge of the Contra Costa County Superior Court on February 27, 2018.You may request to be excused from federal service. A motion in limine is Latin for a "motion at the start. Sometimes, at a pre-trial hearing, an attorney will request that the judge rule that a certain testimony be included or excluded in the case. The Court day before the hearing. Deed of Trust recorded in the Contra Costa County Recorder's office ("the mortgage loan"). Both Plaintiff and her late husband are named in the Deed of Trust. See Contra Costa County SmartRulesâ„¢ procedural guide: REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE. Visit the account creation page on LHI .