The Department is open between the hours of a.m. There are instructions on the summons on how to postpone.Yes, you must fill out the juror information form and detach it from the bottom of the summons. You must mail in the completed form to us within 5 days. Grand jury are in the jury room while it is deliberating and voting. Complete the online Jury Service Response Form. No person who is summoned and appears for jury duty for four or more hours, including travel time, in one day shall be required to start any work shift. On the day of your service, you'll report to the courthouse listed on your summons. The present system consists of four levels of courts: the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, the circuit courts, and the district courts. You may be one of approximately 70,000 Fairfax County or City of Fairfax residents receiving a jury duty questionnaire in the mail soon.