Trial: Each case not resolved at pretrial shall be set for trial to the court unless a jury demand has been timely filed. You must complete the online questionnaire.After we receive your questionnaire, we will update and confirm your information. You should receive your jury summons about three weeks prior to the actual date you have been summoned to serve. If you go to the hearing and lose the case, you can file a de novo appeal to the State or Superior Court, and may ask for a jury trial there. Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. While Defendant Kutti's motion only requests not to be included in the speedy trial, the. The text of the demand reads "NOW COMES the Defendant and demands a TRIAL BY JURY, and this is a request for speedy trial under O.C.G.A. § 17-7-170. Jury; and without the jury, there is no trial. WHAT HAPPENS IF I FAIL TO COMPLETE THE PRE-TRIAL DIVERSION PROGRAM?