Courts may call on local residents to serve as jurors for a trial. Jury service is a civic responsibility and legal obligation for all citizens.Prospective trial jurors, your reporting instructions are not available on-line. If you have any questions, please contact the Jury Manager at: 1-800-473-3116. When each juror is called, he shall be presented to the accused in such a manner that he can be distinctly seen. In order to be deferred, you must fill out a Trial Jury Service Affidavit and submit it to the Jury Clerk at your earliest convenience. On your juror summons you will find a juror information form. Electronic Juror Questionnaire Form. Complete the following questionnaire instead of a paper Form 2 if you have been summoned for jury duty. Jurors may follow the above link to DeKalb County, Georgia's eJuror online juror questionnaire.