This the ____day of ______, 20__. You will fill out a jury questionnaire and receive an ID tag to insure that YOU are indeed the person called.If you can honestly say that you cannot truthfully agree to the terms of that Oath, there is little that can be done but to dismiss you from jury service. By completing and submitting this affidavit, you will be excused until the next jury pool is created, which occurs every July 1st. You have to actually show up unless you are disabled, and if you get picked for the jury then there are certain things you can say to get out of it. Either the state court or the superior court in the county will hear the appeal, and either party may request a jury trial. This process is called voir dire, a French word meaning "to speak the truth. " The lawyer for the plaintiff will speak with the jury panel first. In a criminal proceeding, a jury trial is always your right. In many federal civil cases, parties can choose between a bench trial or a jury trial.