A local court may summon you for jury duty, which may include jury selection and serving as a juror in a trial. At trial outside the presence ofthe jury. 4.In order to be deferred, you must fill out a Trial Jury Service Affidavit and submit it to the Jury Clerk at your earliest convenience. Upon the withdrawal of a general time waiver in open court, a trial date shall be set and all parties shall be properly notified of that date. Special Jury Summons: A special summons is for a single trial that is usually longer than our typical trials. Where and how to return the form is given on each of the forms or affidavits. You will need to print the form so you can fill it out and then complete it. But, when made in a jury-tried case, this motion overlaps the motion for a directed verdict under Rule 50(a), which is also available in the same situation. The grand jury has the special duty to inquire into: a. It stated it was an 8 week term with 1–2 days a week.