This may be a screening for a specific trial for which they anticipate a need for a large jury pool or jurors able to sit for a very long trial. If you have received a jury summons you must pre-register below.All selection will begin virtually. Do not report to the courthouse. No, the paperwork for Trump is no longer available to him because he chose a bench trial and failed to request a jury trial on any issues. You'll also need to fill out the Confidential Juror Questionnaire (CJQ) before your service. The CJQ helps the court and parties decide if you'd be a suitable juror on a particular case. Juror General Information. People often ask criminal defense attorney Benson Varghese how to get out of jury duty. Find the Trial and Grand Juror handbooks, the Confidential Juror Questionnaire (CJQ), and other forms related to jury duty.