If appropriate, please fill out A, B, or C and send to: Jury Services, PO Box 3388, Tampa, FL 33601-3388, fax to (813) 272-5568 or email. The following procedures are applicable to jury trials conducted before the Honorable.Michelle Sisco Circuit Judge:. You can find out answers to all of your questions about the virtual or remote hearings on the Court's Remote Hearings page. Finally, Part X will address the "direct threat" defense that may justify refusal to hire, medical inquiries and examinations, or termination. RECORD previously, but it is brief and gives the meaning and purport of the. Goldwater statement in the resolution to which it is directed-the very brief. This document highlights the history of the Pinellas County Board of County. Commissioners in the 20th century from its inception in 1912 to 19 99 and. This is the 19th volume in the "Public Papers" series to be released.