Defendant Ashley Guillarda purported internet sleuthdecided to use the community's pain for her online selfpromotion. Request a trial before a jury.Judge Ferguson also conducted one of Texas's first virtual civil jury trials and deconstructs his experience for the benefit of our listeners. Jury questionnaires, which are used to gather information concerning jurors for use in jury selection, address a variety of aspects of the jurors' lives. A county or district attorney or other adult may file a sworn written application for court-ordered mental health services. The axiom of "the more you say, the less people remember" 51 is rarely more true than in a civil jury trial. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii): The government debt collection exemption to the robocall restriction in the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. (3) In a criminal case, after consultation with the lawyer, as to a plea to be entered, whether to waive jury trial, and whether the client will testify. Did you fill out the complaint form legibly and completely? Illinois Appellate Court.