Otherwise, the party waives a jury. Explains if you can have a jury trial in small claims court and how many people can be on the jury.If you would like a jury trial, you must file this Jury Request form. If you want a trial with a judge only. To be eligible for jury service, you must be a citizen of the United States; at least 18 years old; a resident of the county; not have a pending lawsuit. The prosecuting entity shall make its jury demand at the time the action is commenced. Illinois requires a jury trial in all criminal cases including ordinance violations. The defense or the State may demand a jury or the court on its own motion may order a jury. This list is obtained from the AOIC (Administrative Office of Illinois Courts) in Springfield, Illinois. Judges are encouraged to hold jury trials only when no other disposition, such as a bench trial, a negotiated resolution, mediation (for civil cases), or a.