Please log in to the online Juror Portal using your badge number to confirm that you are legally eligible to serve. Log onto our new online Juror Portal and request to be excused, noting that you have served recently with Superior Court.You are required to mail or deliver the juror's certificate to the sheriff within five days of receiving it. Here are some tips and memories to get you through, or out of your civic duty, which as your summons guffaws at you, "is as important as paying taxes." Gov, click on "Juror" and the. If you are called for jury duty, you will have many questions – from where you should report to what will happen during a trial if you are chosen to serve. Here's how trial jury duty works: You report to the Supreme Court Building at 360 Adams Street and gather in a large waiting room. Showed up ish to the giant waiting room area—I wouldn't bother showing up much earlier, seems like it'd just be more waiting. Who may be called to serve as a juror? Juror parking is located at 120 S. Martin Luther.