A summary jury trial is generally a one-day jury trial with relaxed rules of evidence similar to arbitration. Examples of issues that might be raised in a motion in limine include: • Your opponent intends to tell the jury of past wrongs (e.g.Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. Juror information for Camden County, August 5th 2024. No need to report on Monday, August 5th 2024. A jury questionnaire would allow the parties and the Court to dismiss jurors before they even have to appear for service. 4. Welcome to the official website of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. This appeal raises several questions concerning the conduct of a criminal jury trial at Utica in late February and early March, 1973. The copies provided to the judicial officer and all parties should be in the same form, including but not limited to markings, highlights, and color copies. Only in a circuit court is a jury provided for the trial of these disputes and controversies.