This handbook provides information concerning the jury experience in the trial courts of New York State. You will be mailed a summons form with a date to report and a qualification questionnaire to complete and return within ten (10) days to the Court.You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. " This means the court you were summoned to no longer requires jurors. In this blog post, I share an account of my firsttime experience with jury duty service, which happened to take place in New York City. Find a guide to direct you through the jury service process. Committee and is intended as a guide for judges and attorneys in constructing. Here's how trial jury duty works: You report to the Supreme Court Building at 360 Adams Street and gather in a large waiting room. You must respond to your jury summons. The Court will continue utilizing Electronic Recording for Limited Civil, Misdemeanor and Infraction case types pursuant to GC69957.