1.02(1) These rules apply to all civil proceedings in the Court of King's Bench of Manitoba, except where a statute provides for some other procedure. If you complete the form in handwriting, make sure the handwriting is readable.In Manitoba, jury trials take place in the Court of King's Bench. In Saskatchewan, jury trials are only held at Court of King's Bench. Forms and Sets of Forms, Court of King's Bench Criminal Trial Court Scheduling, Reform for Winnipeg Companies' Creditor Arrangement Act Standard Form Order. A jury is a group of citizens who determine the facts of a particular case. They then render a decision based on those facts and on the instructions on the law. At the beginning of every form, fill in the following: ▫ Court File Number – Your file number as written on your other court documents. Jury selections and jury trials in the Judicial Centre of Edmonton will be held at the Bonaventure Gate Writing Centre, 13156 St. Albert Trail. Severalty of Obligations. 69. 11R. Counterparts.