Each side may ask the judge to excuse particular jurors. If a juror is excused, this does not imply something bad and does not mean the juror is not competent.Learn about the basic elements of a jury trial. This means that you are placed on call for no more than five days and can be asked to report for jury service on one of those days. This means that you are placed on call for no more than 5 days and can be asked to report for jury service on one of those days. You will be asked to fill out a form stating that you "stayed the night" and the date that you stayed. A jury trial is where 12 members of the community assemble to hear the evidence and decide whether or not a defendant is guilty of the crime. What is the role of the juror? Your job as a juror is to listen to all the evidence presented at trial, then "decide the facts" — decide what really happened. Anyone who has been charged with a misdemeanor or felony crime is entitled to a jury trial and it's a crucial part of the criminal case process.