Learn all that you need to know after responding to a jury summons to serve as a member of the jury in Maricopa County. To request a postponement, follow the instructions in the Juror Affidavit Questionnaire or Summons or contact the court in which you are scheduled to appear.The Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County warns of an increase in jury duty scams, the latest of which was demanding payment in Bitcoin. Missing jury duty can result in a finding of contempt of court and a possible jail sentence. If you miss the first notice it's not a big deal. They'll send another one at some point. The bulk of the model summons is a response form to be filled out only if the juror is requesting a postponement or an excuse or is not qualified for service. Highlights from Judge James D. Smith's investiture ceremony. Did you get a Summons to Jury Service in the Mail? Students must earn a minimum of 12 credits in the AGEC at one or any combination of the MCCCD colleges.