You'll also need to fill out the Confidential Juror Questionnaire (CJQ) before your service. Find the Trial and Grand Juror handbooks, the Confidential Juror Questionnaire (CJQ), and other forms related to jury duty.The questionnaire MUST be filled out in its entirety. This website will help you respond to your summons for juror service, and will also allow you to make changes or request assistance. Generally speaking, the answer is no: service generally only includes actually sitting on a jury. Massachusetts law requires that potential jurors complete a Confidential Juror Questionnaire (CJQ), for use during the impaneling of a jury. I am going to put something on the questionnaire, and I think it's pretty clear I won't be on a jury with my current mindset. Write return to sender on front of summons and drop in mail box. Also, write "not eligible juror as (new state name) resident. It IS a crime though, it's considered contempt of court and you can be jailed for it in various states.