To determine if your appearance is required, visit eResponse.mecknc. Gov or call (877) 649-7133 after PM on the weeknight before your scheduled report date.I have a summons to appear the day before I go on a business trip out of town. Watch this video prior to reporting for jury service. This part of the booklet explains where to sue, which complaint form to use, how to fill in the proper legal forms, how to file the claim, and how to get the. The judge may ask them to re-examine the evidence, review the law, and discuss the case further to try to reach a unanimo. The District Attorney for North Carolina's 26th Prosecutorial District prosecutes all non-federal criminal matters that occur within Mecklenburg County. There are a few different reasons you might not be qualified (or "disqualified") to perform jury service. They, too, must all agree to convict the person of the charges to result in a guilty verdict. If you have served in the Federal District Court, you may be excused for Superior Court.