Prospective jurors must log into eJuror and complete the questionnaire within seven days of receiving their juror summons. Forms are available in Room 137 of the Miami-Dade County Courthouse and at the district court locations.We always suggest drafting a demand letter explaining why you're owed the money and asking that it be paid in a specific timeframe, such as 15, or 30 days. Additional resources include a directory of local self-help centers. Certificate of Service. The national eJUROR Program gives a potential juror the flexibility of responding online to their jury qualification questionnaire. Please fill out and submit the form on this page to make your felony deposition room request. Were you summoned for federal jury duty? Fill out your jury qualification questionnaire or summons online through the court's eJuror system. Broward County jurors may now electronically request postponements, excusals and view report date.