The Justices of the Michigan Supreme Court extend our sincere gratitude to those who serve jury duty. I realize it is my civic duty to participate in the jury process but I can't serve during the term specified on the summons.If you honestly cannot serve, the law provides several undue hardship categories that can allow for an excuse for a summoned juror for up to one year. As US Citizens, we have the right to a jury trial and hold the responsibility to serve as a juror. Please be advised the Court does not call to inform anyone that they owe money or request gift card payment for failing to appear for jury duty. Jury Duty Frequently Asked Questions. Kent County Courthouse 180 Ottawa NW, Suite 1100. Jury Service is an essential function of Democracy. Jurors are essential to the administration of justice and our Constitutional right to a fair trial. If you are excused, your jury service is canceled and you will not have to appear in this jury term.