We are pleased to provide an electronic copy of the criminal jury instructions presently in use for criminal trials. Generally, a party requesting a jury trial must file a jury demand within 28 days of when the answer was filed.The Court uses the questionnaire responses to determine whether a citizen is qualified or exempt, based on the criteria set out in the Michigan Court Rules. This booklet is designed to answer the most frequently asked questions about how trials work and what jurors do. The Jury Questionnaire is one of the 1st steps in the juror selection process. Average length of a trial is three (3) or four (4) days. All US citizens who are over the age of 18, a resident of the county that issued the jury summons are eligible to serve on a jury in the state of Michigan. Your part as a juror is vital. You and you fellow jurors will decide all disputed questions of fact. After completing the online questionnaire, jurors will be on call for the 2 week term of service as indicated on the summons.