Access the My Jury Service Portal to complete your questionnaire, view attendance, update personal info, and get jury reporting details. If you have a compelling reason to be excused from jury service (extreme inconvenience or undue hardship), you must notify the jury office in writing.All applications for postponements MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO YOUR DATE OF SERVICE. On the day of your service, you'll report to the courthouse listed on your summons. You talk to the judge and tell him the reason for your hardship, and you will be excused. Serving on a jury is an important civic duty. Find out who is eligible for jury duty, how to respond to your summons, and what to expect when you serve. The form you received is a juror qualification questionnaire. The Jury Division is located at: 360 Adams Street, Room 156, in the Supreme Court Building, in Brooklyn, NY. We are open Monday through Friday, from a. Specifically, under New Jersey law (N.