Juror Qualification Questionnaire Info. To request to be excused from jury service fill out the Jury Information Form, located at the bottom of the summons, or on-line using eJuror.FORM 50 - JURY QUESTIONNAIRE. The use of this Questionnaire is to assist lawyers and the court in the selection of a fair, impartial and neutral jury. Any party may challenge the jury panel if a material departure from law has occurred in drawing or summoning jurors. This book is written for jurors selected to serve in the trial court of the Federal Government, the United States District Court. Hi, I got my first summons and will start serving in August at the district court level (outstate MN, not in the metro). A final adjournment shall discharge the jury. You have plenty of time to decline jury duty for acceptable reasons and they will notify you if your request to be excluded has been accepted. If you fail to fill in the form and mail it back to the court in time, then yes.