The Jury Office is open Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from am to pm. Please complete the form in its entirety and return within 10 days of receipt to avoid penalties.Read BOTH sides of the summons before completing the Form. The questionnaires are used to determine if you are qualified to serve as a juror. If you received a Summons for Jury Service you must complete the Jury Information Form (bottom half of your Summons for Jury Service) within 5 days of receipt. Find out what to expect when you arrive, how to conduct yourself, and what you need to do when you serve as a juror. You will receive a Juror Qualification Form in the mail. Filing a Failure to Pay Rent Case? This class will help you learn how to fill out the form. Watch. The law requires twelve (12) jurors to be seated in a criminal case, only eight (8) jurors are required in a civil case.