New York State law has abolished all exemptions and disqualifications from jury service effective January 1, 1996. All applications for postponements MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO YOUR DATE OF SERVICE.Can jurors postpone jury service for a later date? If you are asking to be permanently excused from jury service, you are still required to complete the questionnaire. No information is available for this page. You must follow the directions in the "Juror Excusal Statement" portion of your summons in order to be excused for either category. You can complete the Juror Qualification Questionnaire on-line or you can complete the form, sign it, and return it in the business reply envelope. You can get information about jury duty for City, State, and Federal courts in New York City, including State Supreme Courts. Complete your questionnaire online, you may also complete your Questionnaire using the telephone service at 1-866-648-4880. I'm trying to find more info on what this entails but not finding much.